Born: 20.02.1914 in Bremen
Died: 01.06.2003
joined Infanterieregiment 16 in April 1934,
transferred to Infanterieregiment 37 in 1936,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
transferred in 1937 to the 7th Company of Panzerregiment 1,
became Hauptfeldwebel of the 7th Company in October 1938,
served as a panzer platoon leader with the 7th Company in the French Campaign,
transferred in August 1940 to the 3rd Company of Panzerabteilung A and shortly thereafter, to the 3rd Company of Panzerregiment 18,
changed into an officer career, promoted to Leutnant on 01.03.1941,
transferred in 1942 to the newly formed Panzerabteilung 160,
severely wounded in November 1942 near Stalingrad,
transferred in July 1943 to the newly formed Panzerabteilung "Feldherrnhalle",
served as company commander and Abteilung leader until September 1944,
US-captivity on 08.09.1944, transport to Dermott / Arkansas
joined the newly formed Bundeswehr in 1956, last rank Oberstleutnant
Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross (07.02.1944), EKI (1940), EKII (1940), Silver Wound Badge (1943), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1940)