born: 29.10.1900 in Freiburg
Died: 16.09.1978 in Wuppertal-Ronsdorf
joined Panzerregiment 1 after 1935,
is listed as Heeres-Hauptwerkmeister in the staff of I. Abteilung in 1938,
transferred to Panzer-Werkstatt-Kompanie (Workshop company) in the course of mobilization in August 1939,
remained in this position during the French and at the beginning of the Russian Campaigns,
slightly wounded on 28.01.1942, transferred to the hospital,
is listed on the staff of Heeres Unteroffizier Schule (NCO school) Eisenach in 1943,
further service in WWII unknown,
Eugen Siebold survived WWII and moved after 1945 to Wuppertal
War Merit Cross 2nd Class, Black Wound Badge (1942)