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Dammers, Leonhard

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Born: 08.07.1917 in Aachen

Died: 08.03.1971 in Schwerte

  • Leonhard Dammers joined the 5th Company of Panzerregiment 1 in November 1938,

  • served as a panzer driver with the 5th Company in the Polish Campaign,

  • changed to Pionierbataillon 37 when Panzerregiment 1 had to hand over vehicles and personnell in order to form Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 37 in Spring of 1940,

  • served with the 2nd Company of Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 37 in the French Campaign,

  • is listed from 1942 until at least April 1944 in the ranks of Brücken-Kolonne J (mot.) 846,

  • Leonhard Dammers survived WWII and settled after 1945 in his hometown in West Germany



Eastern Front Medal (1942)

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