Born: 08.12.1913 in Rudolstadt
Died: 01.10.1993 in Lauf /Pegnitz
joined the 5th Company of Panzerregiment 1 in October 1935,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
served at the beginning of WWII as a Feldwebel and aid of the Hauptfeldwebel of the 5th Company,
served as commander of a Panzerkampfwagen II and deputy platoon leader with the 5th Company during the French Campaign,
transferred to the 2nd Company and became Hauptfeldwebel, he remained in this position until the end of WWII,
short soviet captivity in 1945,
settled in his home town Rudolstadt, but after conflicts with the East Germany rulers, he fled to West Germany,
worked then in the registry office in Lauf /Pegnitz
EKII (1940), War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords, Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1940), Eastern Front Medal