Born: 04.06.1913 in Kassel
KIA: 1945 (most likely)
joined 5. Kraftfahr-Abteilung in April 1933,
transferred in June 1934 to the 3rd Lehrtrupp of Kraftfahrlehrkommando II Ohrdruf,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
transferred along with his Lehrtrupp to the 3th Company of Panzerregiment 1 in October 1935,
transferred to the newly formed 1st Company of Panzerregiment 11 in October 1937,
served during the Polish, French and Russian Campaigns as Feldwebel with the 1st Company of Panzerregiment 11,
wounded in August 1941, transferred to Panzerersatzabteilung 11 (Paderborn),
returned to the 1st Company of Panzerregiment 11 in May 1942,
changed into an officer career, promoted to Leutnant on 01.04.1943,
transferred to the 4th Company of Panzerregiment 11 in May 1943,
last known info is a commission with Panzerbrigade 150,
Walter Degenhardt was most likely killed at the end of WWII, last rank: Oberleutnant
Appreciation document of the supreme commander of the Army (1941), EKI (1941), EKII (1941), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1941), Silver Wound Badge (1942),