Born: 10.10.1917
Died: 26.05.1994 in Krefeld
joined the 8th Company of Panzerregiment 1 as a conscript in November 1937,
transferred to the newly formed 6th Company one yearr later,
transferred in the course of mobilization to Panzerersatzabteilung 1, did not take part in the Polish Campaign,
served with the regimental staff during the Western Campaign,
changed into an officer career,
transferred to Panzerersatzabteilung 1 in September 1940 and shortly thereafter, to the the newly formed Panzerregiment 21,
transferred to Panzerersatzabteilung 25 in August 1943 and in April 1944, to Ersatz- und Ausbildungsabteilung "Großdeutschland",
served at the end of the war as a Hauptmann with Panzer-Füsilierbataillon 115,
settled after WWII in West Germany
EKI, EKII, Black Wound Badge, Panzer Assault Badge in Silver