born: 07.11.1912 in Barmen (Wuppertal)
KIA: 13.10.1944 near Ciepielewo
joined the 1st Company of Panzerregiment 1 in November1935,
left the regiment after completing his one year's service in October 1936,
pursued the career of a reserve officer, promoted to Unteroffizier der Reserve in 1937,
promoted to Feldwebel der Reserve in the newly formed Panzerregiment 11 in 1938,
joined Panzerersatzabteilung 11 in the course of mobilisation in August 1939,
promoted to Leutnant der Reserve on 01.08.1940,
transferred to the staff of II. Abteilung Panzerregiment 11 after the French Campaign,
served with Panzerregiment 11 during the first months of "Barabrossa",
served again with Panzerersatzabteilung 11 from 16.12.1941 until November 1943,
transferred to I. Abteilung Panzerregiment 27 on 19.11.1943, serving as commander of the 3rd Company,
transferred to Panzerregiment 6 on 05.09.1944, serving as commander of the 8th Company,
KIA on 13.10.1944 near Ciepielewo (Poland), posthumously promoted to Hauptmann
EKI (1941), EKII (1941), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1941)