Born: 19.06.1915 in Geithain
KIA: 25.05.1944 in Italy
joined Panzerregiment 1 after 1935,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
served during the Polish and French Campaigns as an Unteroffizier with the 7th Company of Panzerregiment 1,
transferred in August 1940 to the 3rd Company of Panzerabteilung A and shortly thereafter, to the 3rd Company of Panzerregiment 18,
transferred in August 1941 to the 9th Company of the same regiment,
transferred in 1942 to the newly formed Panzerabteilung 103,
he escaped the Stalingrad pocket and was KIA on 25.05.1944 in Italy, serving with the 2nd Company of the newly formed Panzerabteilung 103, last rank: Oberfeldwebel
Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross (30.09.1944), EKI (1941), EKII (1940), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1940)