born: 22.07.1915 in Halle / Saale
joined Kraftfahr-Lehr-Kommando II Ohrdruf as a volunteer on 30.10.1934,
transferred along with his Lehrtrupp to Panzerregiment 1 in October 1935,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier, promoted to Unteroffizier on 01.10.1936 and to Feldwebel on 01.12.1938,
transferred to Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 1 on 26.08.1939, did not take part in the Polish Campaign,
transferred to Panzerregiment 2 on 21.10.1940 and to Panzerregiment 28 on 16.11.1940,
transferred as a Oberfeldwebel to the newly formed Panzerregiment 202 on 27.03.1941,
transferred to Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 25 on 17.04.1942 and to the newly formed Panzerregiment 36 on 20.04.1943,
is listed in the ranks of the 11th Company of Panzerregiment 36 in January 1944,
changed into an officer career, promoted to Leutnant on 01.09.1944
is listed in the ranks of Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 1 in November 1944 and in the officers reserve of Army Group B in Early 1945,
Rudolf Lehmann most likely survived WWII
EKII (1944), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1943), War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (1941)